Community Inspiration.


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Update for Project: Community Inspiration.

Sorry about the delay... We've been undergoing molt cycles here at the community build! :D

Most of the group has already made their jumps to L5 but theres still two or three little ones running about. Here's some photos of the older tankmates...

The first moltee mentioned within the previous post. :)

And the others.

Here's today's moltee.

I plan to make a few rearrangements to the tank this coming Monday and Tuesday, so ill check back in with another update post then. ;)
Awesome photos!! They even molt from the green plants?! wow!
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LAME, you welcomed me into this community just today. Thanks again!

While bored at work, I just read pretty much this whole thread. Oh my goodness, your ghost's home is amazing! It's beautiful and so impressive!!

Now I'm even more excited to get my ghost :) Maybe I'll get more than one? I've been in contact with the seller.

Keep at it :)

LAME, you welcomed me into this community just today. Thanks again!

While bored at work, I just read pretty much this whole thread. Oh my goodness, your ghost's home is amazing! It's beautiful and so impressive!!

Now I'm even more excited to get my ghost :) Maybe I'll get more than one? I've been in contact with the seller.

Keep at it :)
Hey, thanks! Actually ill be posting the all the ghost's "mug shots" after the weekend. Granted ive already took Black as my own, I still need names for all the other heads in the build and would like the community to choose the names.

Hey, thanks! Actually ill be posting the all the ghost's "mug shots" after the weekend. Granted ive already took Black as my own, I still need names for all the other heads in the build and would like the community to choose the names.
Great idea!

Hey, thanks! Actually ill be posting the all the ghost's "mug shots" after the weekend. Granted ive already took Black as my own, I still need names for all the other heads in the build and would like the community to choose the names.
Names, huh? Like Nate, Denise, Alex, Nick, Ethan, Sally, Robin, Peter, Rick, Orin... Names in a theme, for example my wife loves the minions so my Chinese girls have been getting names like Banana, Fluffy, Agnes (and the boys Bob, Stuart, Kevin). Or just random names?

I tend to try and name them where I found them (Rose, Fringe, Apogee, Night Owl, Ecru..), often using a thesaurus to come up with something interesting. ;)

Bah, I stopped naming mine a while back, but I do give nicknames to particular individuals.
Funny you mention that as the majority of mine were simply Chinese 1, 2, etc. as I had to have a way to keep records on them. Lately though I went back to giving some sort of silly name as it seems only fair if I am keeping it as a pet. ;)

Update for PROJECT: Community Inspiration.

Well... Alots happened since I've been away from the forum. I go ahead and start with the bad, My favorite of the communal build was eaten. Unfortunately being at work left me no chance to save Black... So sadly he won't make it to breed.

All female's have achieved adulthood! Though, I isolated the cannibal that ate Black.. She seems to be the most aggressive of everyone in the tank. However I do plan to reintroduce her into C.I. after all males hit adult.

No males have reached adulthood, though all of them show obvious signs of swelling... They're just absolutely refusing to grow up lol. ;)

Lately I've been adding and removing little things to the build (in terms of plants...). With my Griffin (ivy) being in such bad shape, I went ahead and gutted her home (my 1st terrarium build.) and added some of her plants into the C.I. build.

I have photos of the project and of the ghosts inside that I'll upload when I get home tonight. I know everyone's been waiting and wondering what's been going on.. =/

Sorry guys, life's just been kicking me while I'm down lately... But, I'm back. ;)

Update for PROJECT: Community Inspiration.

Well... Alots happened since I've been away from the forum. I go ahead and start with the bad, My favorite of the communal build was eaten. Unfortunately being at work left me no chance to save Black... So sadly he won't make it to breed.

All female's have achieved adulthood! Though, I isolated the cannibal that ate Black.. She seems to be the most aggressive of everyone in the tank. However I do plan to reintroduce her into C.I. after all males hit adult.

No males have reached adulthood, though all of them show obvious signs of swelling... They're just absolutely refusing to grow up lol. ;)

Lately I've been adding and removing little things to the build (in terms of plants...). With my Griffin (ivy) being in such bad shape, I went ahead and gutted her home (my 1st terrarium build.) and added some of her plants into the C.I. build.

I have photos of the project and of the ghosts inside that I'll upload when I get home tonight. I know everyone's been waiting and wondering what's been going on.. =/

Sorry guys, life's just been kicking me while I'm down lately... But, I'm back. ;)
Welcome back! youre doin great!

Sorry you lost your favorite... that is always rough... I can't wait to see the photos... I hope things start to slow down for you...

Here's some of the photos I have. I'll start off with an older one of two brothers. The photos not great, but at the time one was standing on the other with it's two front legs. ^_^

Here's a photo of one of the females (not the cannibal...).

Here's what it looked like after I put ivy's old plants in the community.

I'll get another updated shot tomorrow. There's more growth coming along now that I've added more dirt.

I'm going to have to go in and minus out the numbers on the pill bugs though... They breed a lot... Apparently I'm pretty good at rearing them. XD

Aaaaaand.... Finally, after weeks and weeks of waiting!

...... We have our first adult male! Hurray! He looks like my first ghost Nymbit. ;)

He's still hanging out though... Currently his wings are in the middle of development, so I'll leave him alone for now. But I'll also get photos of him tomorrow aswell.

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You could have the first almost self-sustaining mantis community! constantly breeding, aging, and such. All you need to do it seems is add food and make sure they dont fight.

It pretty much takes care of itself now. I usually only need to keep an eye out on the females. Ive read online when they become adults the males are usually eaten by the females rather than males. To be honest I've yet to see any of the males really act aggressive towards each other... The females however usually go for whatever's catching their attention.

But yeah.... I figure by generation 2 it'll be pretty self sustainable.

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Here's some of the photos I have. I'll start off with an older one of two brothers. The photos not great, but at the time one was standing on the other with it's two front legs. ^_^

Here's a photo of one of the females (not the cannibal...).

Here's what it looked like after I put ivy's old plants in the community.

I'll get another updated shot tomorrow. There's more growth coming along now that I've added more dirt.

I'm going to have to go in and minus out the numbers on the pill bugs though... They breed a lot... Apparently I'm pretty good at rearing them. XD

Aaaaaand.... Finally, after weeks and weeks of waiting!

...... We have our first adult male! Hurray! He looks like my first ghost Nymbit. ;)

He's still hanging out though... Currently his wings are in the middle of development, so I'll leave him alone for now. But I'll also get photos of him tomorrow aswell.
Aw man i LOVE that shpt of the green female!! Wow

It pretty much takes care of itself now. I usually only need to keep an eye out on the females. Ive read online when they become adults the males are usually eaten by the females rather than males. To be honest I've yet to see any of the males really act aggressive towards each other... The females however usually go for whatever's catching their attention.

But yeah.... I figure by generation 2 it'll be pretty self sustainable.
Thats freakin awesome, congrats dude


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