Frey - (Poland)


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I had to scrape some pennies out the barrel to put together a few bucks and buy some Idolos from Frey to see what all the fuss is about.

4 of 5 Iodolomantis showed up today alive! Thank you Frey very much!

They are drinking now like racehorses. Very thirsty! One did not make it but I expected some loss!

My mother told me that my grandfather was from Poland. I have Polish in my blood! Must mean good luck when ordering from Frey!

Thanks again, The shipment also arrived very fast!

hi bought an Iodolomantis ooth off frey , very swift delivery ( im in ireland) the ooth looks very fresh and quite heathy was packaged fairly well , i also didnt go the pub once over the weekend to fund this ooth lol quite rare for an irishman:p , i have an incubator from my bearded dragon eggs so i have it in that, im monotoring the weather in tanzania as to try mimic the natural conditions so fingers crossed i get success , was zero guarantee of fertility tho which i wasnt happy about ( i only found this out after i had paid) i assumed she breed this ooth but it was wild caught , so a fairly pleasant experience overall

I just received my package from Frey. Most of the nymphs made it here alive. There were a few that did not make it, but it was expected, considering how far and wide there travels were. Her packing keeps improving with every order! :) I will be doing business with her again! Over all i'm quite pleased with this transaction. :) Thank-you Frey! :)

Edit: One of the ooths she sent me has hatched out about 15 nymphs! :)


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I had ordered 8 Rhombodera Basalis nymphs to Frey, and I received them less than 3 days laters, all in perfect conditions. ( Considering the distance it's quite fast ! )

She alsoo checked if I had well received the mantis.

It was nice to trade with Frey, I'll do again and I highly recommend her.

Hi everybody.

I payed her an ootheca in Agust 9, just in time.

At first, the comunication was good.

So the payment has been done.

After she never answered again.

I still waiting my ootheca.

Today is Agust 20

I dont recomend Frey to do business with her, I will never do again.

Hi everybody.

I payed her an ootheca in Agust 9, just in time.

At first, the comunication was good.

So the payment has been done.

After she never answered again.

I still waiting my ootheca.

Today is Agust 20

I dont recomend Frey to do business with her, I will never do again.
###### ?

I have informed him , his pack will be sent soon.

After, I admit : pack sent 16 August. Yestarday was 20 little to earlier to receive pack from Poland to Mexico.

I had purchased 2 species from Justyna idolo / cryptic. Nine perfect

nymph's all my dealings with Frey have been first class (Hats off)


###### ?

I have informed him , his pack will be sent soon.

After, I admit : pack sent 16 August. Yestarday was 20 little to earlier to receive pack from Poland to Mexico.
Take it easy.

You dont notice me, that my ooth was sended in Agust 16.

You notice me about this today.

You did have not the courtesy to notice me about the day that you done the shipping

I requested you only one confirmation....but I never get one

Who guarantee that is not a scam??

If the package arrives here in time. I will send you my apologies

just had another smooth transaction with Frey. All my nymphs came in alive and well. This time customs did not hold onto the parcel for a like a week! <_< I will be doing business with her again. I am very pleased! :) Thank-you, Frey! :)


Many thanks Frey! :) 6 of 11-12 arrived alive.

Two of them looked to have molted during shipment.

Three are simply dead bodies and I think one became a snack! :lol:

Hopefully no more casualties but more to be expected. Anything is possible.

Frey is great in my book to keep mantids alive overseas for so long. Specially with this frail species who has trouble sticking to anything it walks on!

Thanks again. All are eating and drinking now. I post this feedback to try and help Frey judge what is going on also. ;) :)


Justyna is great to work with, I look forward to our near future trades and purchases! Thanks again! :)

Got my nymphs nice and ready to be relocated into their own net cage. They are chowing down now! Thanks for the Idolos!

:D :D ordered some nymphs off justana on sunday and i got them today (thursday) so 4 working days is a very good delivery time from eastern europe :clap: only suffered 1 causality out of 15 i expected a few more casualtys but there wasnt this was due to the great packaging . was 3 X what id describe as urine sample jars lol just joking , 3 X 100ml tubs so 5 nymphs fit perfect in each tub wrapped good in bubble wrap and inside a cardboard box , so thumbs up on this transaction im 100% happy and i would recommend justana to anyone :euro:
oops sorry i mean justyna :lol: excuse my spelling error miss frey!

Unfortunately I have to leave a negative feedback for this seller. At first everything was perfect, Frey was very nice and responded to messages really fast. I purchased 3 oothecas from her, Sibylla pretiosa, acanthops, and Bleharopsis mendica. $100. She also said I could have a freebie of a few mantises of my choice, I chose Idolomantis. So at the end of the week I received the package, just as expected. Two of the nymphs were alive,

I was so happy they made it :) I noticed after they got a bit bigger that they weren't Idolo's, they were popa spurcas. I emailed her about it to see if I was correct, no response. No biggie, they were free, I was happy.

Then I looked up the type of oothecas I ordered on google, to make sure they looked like the ones I received. 2 were ok, but I noticed I had a popa spurca ooth instead of an acanthops ooth........ Hmmm not good. So I email Frey about the issue and I didn't get an apology, I just got "I will not refund your money for all of the order, Please give back mine Popas and I will shipp to You acanthops ootheca, for me this is not a problem, I have them a lot"

My response was no problem, please send me the address where I should send the popa ooth. Then her response: But the Popa ooth hatch :)

So You will shipp to me a all nymphs ?

Maybe will be easy for You if u sell all Popas ? You will not lose Your money and maybe ou will earn more.

Think about it and please let me to know :)

Then my response was that the ooth has not hatched yet, none of the ooths I have purchased from Frey have hatched yet. No address in the email though.... So I guess I'll be selling popa nymphs soon.... Ugh I hope there are people willing to buy them. After my last email to her I didn't

get a response.

I opened up a paypal case to try to get a refund of $40 for the incorrect ooth. The next day Frey escalated the case, without contacting me.

They closed the case that same day, saying that they do not cover incorrect items sent. Only items that were never sent at all.

Keep that in mind if you do business with this seller.....

i will also like to add BAD feedback, did a swap with fray a cilina ooth and 15 cilina nymphs for 20 idolo nymphs, the package took 11 days to get to me in the UK from poland the 20 nymphs was squashed into 2 tiny tubs about 100ml max, out of the 20 only 8 was alive and within 2 days 4 more died, as per usual fray was quick to reply to emails ect when she was wanting my ooth and nymphs but as soon as there is a proble she never replys and comes up with excuses, so when u see her selling cilina nymphs she will know she is ripping us off as per usual


ill also have to add bad feedback for justyna as i feel i was ripped off by this money hungry mass mantid murderer , i guess i should of realized from my very 1st transaction from her when i got 10 idolomantids sent to me in her little 100ml urine sample jars packed in an envelope which the postman prob killed a few dropping them through my letter box , 6 out of that batch where amazingly alive i got 10+1 free , i was pretty annoyed but i had a guarantee from frey that she would replace them in my next order, i told her i want proper packaging this time in cardboard boxes with wrapping etc etc just how id expect every delivery of live stock from any person) so i bought from her again (quite a pleasant experience as u can see from my previous comments)(the ooth never hatched BTW but still incubating it ) so having paid her close to 450euro during all my dealings with her i was expecting a refund when my last batch of 20 idolos arrived (20+2 free and she said she threw in another 3 free so 25 in total) and only 6 yes i repeat SIX where alive and 2 later died the following day so i got 4 outta 25 the most expensive mantids ever purchased i think!! , her reply was

This is shock for me this time.

I have pack them all like always, normal cartoon box, they were full feed and I have pack You all what I got 24-25 nymphs.

Ok, send to me a photo, this is impossible for me.

Only one reason why the Idolos has die could be a low temperature, no my fault

my reply:

well not fault either i didnt pay for 6 mantis ... 3 are L2 and 3 are L1 and one of the L2 is going to die its not moving and has only 2 legs :angry:


Ok I saw pics.

Mylo, they were packed like last time when they came alive.

Cartoon box and smaller containers inside.

They die by the temperature , no by the my mistake .

Sorry but I will not agree to refund You any one pound couse I did all OK .

I can ONLY propouse to wait when I get hatch of Idolos and refund You some. Nothing more Mylo.

Remember the Idolos are African mantis and they are live in 30-32 C , now I have in Poland 11 C so little diffrent of temperature , do You agree ?

i asked her 3 times why she didnt use a heat pack(no reply) it was 11degrees in poland so that why they died???? , i said im going to paypal for a refund

which of course i got refused as this person knows all the tricks to get out of a refund , ive given her €450 euro(in our 4/5 dealings in the past) and in the polish economy thats about 5weeks wages its the equivalent of my wages in ireland a week times 5, if get 500 a week thats 2500 euro in the same value or if an american gets 600 dollars a week its 3000 bucks shes cleaning up must be living like a queen

ok thats my views aired sorry its so long but it had to be said below are the pics i sent her ***(WARING MASS MANTID DEATHS VIEW AT UR OWN DISCRETION)***

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Resized to 91% (was 768 x 1024) - Click image to enlarge

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Resized to 91% (was 768 x 1024) - Click image to enlarge

the empty tub is the one i got my two FREE dead leaf mantis in , in case anyone is wondering why there are no dead idolos in that tub, she did offer to send SOME more IF her next ooth hatches if i pay the 6 euro delivery charge very kind of her

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i got the same ###### like u did from her just she put 10 idolos in one of them little tubs for me and out of 20 idolos only 3 made it alive, she is just a scammer with all the tricks to work her way out of things

I'd like to put a case and a problem with Idolomantisami who reach the poor condition of Mylo.

The case looks like the first time I sent a poorly packed Idolomantisy, most survived but a few have died, committed itself at the next opportunity doslac alignment. Mylo decided to purchase the next package and it contained which reached 100% of the living mantis. Later sent to the Mylo, according to the same method, another parcel, also it came all whole and healthy. Our last trasankcja not end well and very successfully, I sent a mantis 4-5 units packed into boxes, the boxes were then enclosed in the carton with newspapers and cotton wool, cardboard was stuck with papers and tape. Inside the boxes for all maych mantis flies poured. Mylo continues to the parcel during the week, temperatures in Poland amounted to only 16 degrees Celsius, the disaster package has been kept for the weekend and picked up a parcel Mylo after 6 days of the mailing. In this temperature mantis L1-2 had the right not to spend so many days. Besides, as the pictures show, a few mantis also fell due to molt. Mylo in the end I suggested that he would send him as soon as I get a mantis next stinging, for now there is no agnate got. I am a verbal person, and if someone of something like this also assure you do. That it came with a few mantis dead, however, can not explain this with the Mylo, it withdrew the entire sum of money for alleged Paypalu not received any letter and once confessed to me as Paypal refund from Mylo, added a negative feedback on my topic. Should remember the Mylo though he received seven pieces of live Idolomantisow and several pieces of free Acanthops. Similarly is it with Simon. Where it received a parcel in which more than half of the mantis was dead, a cocoon from Simon does not hatched yet Simon to whose it came with 16 pieces of live 8 pcs Idolomantis after 10 days of the trip was awful feels cheated, but unfortunately do not see in any way his guilt and the world is convinced that he has complied with its obligations. Quite probably it is logical to 8 Idolomantis is better than no ootheka hatched.

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