going to hawaii want some mantis


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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
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hi people of mantis forum im going to Hawaii with some of my entomologist friends and if you want i can bring back any live bug you want from mantis to beetles name your price email me at [email protected]

hi people of mantis forum im going to Hawaii with some of my entomologist friends and if you want i can bring back any live bug you want from mantis to beetles name your price email me at [email protected]
Wow, that's pretty cool, Mongo. When you say that you are a licensed entomologist, are you collecting for your university or are you and your entomological friends some different kind of licensed entomologists? Just to be clear about this, if we were ever asked by a government agent where we got some rare Hawaiian beetles, say, we just say, "From Mungo, he's a licensed entomologist," and we're o.k. Do I have that right?

I thought that there were no native mantids on Hawaii, just invasive species from the 48. Is that true? I've seen Chinese on Oahu, but I guess we already have plenty of those.

I look forward to hearing more about your plans!

o and there are all invasive but there are orchid mantis and other exotic species iv seen there i was born and raised their but my favorite mantis their is one i need help identifying its all black and kinda looks like a ghost but with more pinkish colors strange right

Oh man, my Prof never mentioned anything about a license. I hope we don't get fined...

Sorry mongoslade, but you having a permit is really hard to believe.

You have a youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/mongoslade321#p/a/u/0/S3tU1WptHA4

In your profile description, you state you're 20 years old. You sound MUCH younger than that, I've never heard a 20 year old with that voice, not that there's nothing wrong with it. And in your first video about your turtle, you state you are 15 in the description. I thought you were 20? In both videos you mention your sick/have a cold, sounds like an excuse to me.

I'm not trying to start anything, but bringing mantids back from Hawaii would be ILLEGAL since you don't have a permit and are probably not old enough for one. (Though I don't know about age requirements for obtaining a permit) Even though the species there are all introduced, the risk of bringing back insects with diseases, pathogens, and parasites present in one area, but not in another, is still very real especially if you're not a professional.

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Not to mention that anyone with a university backing would undoubtably have much better grammar than you demonstrate.
I've changed my mind about this one, Mongo. My first thought was that it was a harmless act of imagination by a young kid and that no one would think of sending you any money. But in recent days, I have been seeing posts by grown ups, some experienced in raising mantids, who bought Idolomantis ooths imported from Africa, so who knows, you just might have someone send you money (I hope that your PayPal is working again, BTW! :D ), and if you accept it and fake a certificate, you would be, to the horror of you and your rents, in trouble with the feds. If you intended this as a prank or simply a tall tale, it would be a good idea to let us in on the joke before it goes any further.

@Myrmecologist Obviously, you are one of those seriously bright kids. Good.

hi people my professor is Steven l. Montgomery he is the head entomologist at the bishop museum Oahu hawaii look him up he is a very smart man and those vidios were pretty long ago i was never that good at spelling things and my voice is kind of high but hay we all have are problems right this is not a prank or a joke im just very interested in bugs got it from my dad and to all the people that doubt this give my professor a email of something and ask him about Blaine mills

I'm confused.

If your Prof works at a school in Hawaii, why are you going to Hawaii with friends? Shouldn't you already be there if your Prof works there and is your Prof?

For example, I work for a Prof here in Colorado. Both of us live in Colorado. I don't go to Colorado, because I am already in Colorado, which is an important aspect of my Prof being my Prof.

He should be going to New Zealand for a semester. If I were to visit him in New Zealand (I won't be) I would not be going to Colorado. Even though he is a Prof in Colorado.

Else, for everyone. Are arthropod shipments from Hawaii more stringent that ones between the contiguous states? Given the natural barrier and the great difference in pests and diseases they could carry.

Im not usually big on making responses here but I honestly think this "mongo" is fishy. Might not be a scam artist, just a young kid who's trying to appear older. His spelling is definately not there, making errors on the simplest of words (not saying I'm all that great). His voice can be as high pitched as they are, but the voice in the video he has is DEFINATELY that of a kid's(also notice the power rangers on the wall in the video posted june 4th 2010). I had a very high pitched voice growing up, I am now 20 and sound NOTHING like I used to. Lastly, he said you'll be fine if customs, or an official asks you about imported insects because he has the paperwork... WRONG. Even if he did, YOU yourself would need paperwork/permits to prove you are allowed to have those insects yourself, not just his "paperwork", as that would only cover himself, not his buyers. Mongo please don't think im attacking you, I'm just throwing my two cents into this whole situation... if you're not an entomologist, or even 20 (or however old you claim to be), this is your chance to just come out clean. Admit to liking insects/arachnids and start from cratch on the forum, I'm sure many will forgive, its just a childish act.

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well im 21 and my prof is in Kansas just that i work with my other one more my grandpa(before he passed away) was a huge marval collector there is nothing to come clean about you don't have to believe me it was nice to come on this forum and see fellow insect lovers like my self o and i moved away from Hawaii 3 years ago

I'm confused.

If your Prof works at a school in Hawaii, why are you going to Hawaii with friends? Shouldn't you already be there if your Prof works there and is your Prof?

For example, I work for a Prof here in Colorado. Both of us live in Colorado. I don't go to Colorado, because I am already in Colorado, which is an important aspect of my Prof being my Prof.

He should be going to New Zealand for a semester. If I were to visit him in New Zealand (I won't be) I would not be going to Colorado. Even though he is a Prof in Colorado.

Else, for everyone. Are arthropod shipments from Hawaii more stringent that ones between the contiguous states? Given the natural barrier and the great difference in pests and diseases they could carry.
My info may be out of date, but back in the day, you had to make an aggie declaration on entering Hawaii and got a physical Aggie check on returning to the mainland. I found it very amusing that you could buy Hawaiian baby rosewood seeds at the airport in Oahu, and they were passed through on the mainland (I strongly doubt that you could do it now)! There are also agricultural checkpoints on the eastern CA border, though they often just wave you through.I think that the agents work for the state, though, not the federal government.
