Identification Malaysia february 2012


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I use a sprayer (indirect)

I'm almost sure she will not eat katydid...and even can be dangerous... I saw how they have problem to hold a butterfly when they catch one...

I'm thinking to use small dragonfly but they are also predator so for now I dont want to try. Trying to find bigger flies

She stay quiet and don't move too much... I try also to not manipulate her too much... lot of stress each time...

Yeah I understand, she is WC. She isn't used to human contact at all! lol

Not even a small katydid, non-adult?

I would try dragon flies too, as they hover and are serious stimulating feeders! lol

You should try anything large and flying. There are a lot of choices, especially in Malaysia, but in any case, there are many flying insects. Try setting up a light trap at night to attract the insects. It's really easy and effective. All you have to do is: 1. Get any light source and hang is or support it in the air. 2. Get a large white sheet and shine the light on it. 3. Watch the insects fly to it!!! Here's a video of some people doing this in Malaysia:

It's really crazy what you could find!!

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I prefer Belgium milk chocolate shop ;)

My pain to not eating belgium chocolate is compensated by these "BAGOUS" mantids...

So the sixth species... Male I think (S6-A)


Looks like female Malik.This is the Heterochaeta sp sexing guide which may help



The reason I thought it was a male is because it looks like there is an extra segment. Here is the uploaded pic

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Malik, I found a pinned specimen of Sp. 5 (the citrus female) It is listed as toxodera sp., so it isn't a definitive species yet. Nice! Here's a pic of a fully grown female. Pretty similar to yours, huh? It's kinda faded.


Hi everybody

Thank you Yen for this confirmation for S6-1 and these great explanation with Heterochaeta pictures :)

I still have a small doubt but... We had perhaps the male of the "female" S6... to be confirmed.... more pictures soon

Hey brancsikia339 still waiting your address ;) . Otherwise nice picture you find of dead specimen... I think also it's the S5 female... except for the color of course...

I'm almost sure the S5 female eats 2 half of butterflies... but not in front of us (we find 2 butterflies body half eaten)

That's it ...

Otherwise nice picture you find of dead specimen... I think also it's the S5 female... except for the color of course...

I'm almost sure the S5 female eats 2 half of butterflies... but not in front of us (we find 2 butterflies body half eaten)

That's it ...
The mantis I found was dead, so I would think that necrosis darkened the color. Still, it's a pretty close match.

I don't know... So I have to punish (with my spiny whip) Both of you and even perhaps Yen and Branckisia... I decided to feed a Gonypeta female with S6-A specimen :p
