Pseudocreobotra ocellata breeding diary


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wopwopwopwop - female adult for 19 days..wopwopwop there touching abdomens - im a happy camper!


Congrats. My male has been very stubborn. Finally mounted the female after 5 days of cohabitation, and he's just been chillin on her back all day. He's something like 5 weeks old now. :rolleyes:

Congrats. My male has been very stubborn. Finally mounted the female after 5 days of cohabitation, and he's just been chillin on her back all day. He's something like 5 weeks old now. :rolleyes:
dam..well i was lucky i guees.its funny right.I put them both in tank after feeding them right up for days.after half a day i went o take him out like i remember reading on here..i was going to pack them away and try again tomorow..So i pick him up and go to walk away and i think hmm il just put my finger with him on it at the back of the female..his anteners started going and after 1 min he jumped on there..wopwopwop i was well happy..:)there still at it now.

Haha, congrats. :lol: You'll have several ooths on the way!
im new to all of this and so far iv been pretty lucky..the grassmantis mated after 30 mins and the male come off fine..And now these which are fine and so is the male..If u where me would u remete them?If so when?

im new to all of this and so far iv been pretty lucky..the grassmantis mated after 30 mins and the male come off fine..And now these which are fine and so is the male..If u where me would u remete them?If so when?
You have grass mantids? :eek:

I didn't remate mine, since my females were producing ooths around every 3 days and such a frequent ooth laying rate I assumed that they were fertile.

It is okay to mate them just in case your male didn't fulfill the duty on the first mating, I'd do this after your females have finished their 2nd or 3rd ooth.

You have grass mantids? :eek:
graham must of got his wires crossed or i sure he called it asian grass mantis..but iv looked and it cant be..mine looks just like ant i guees im not breeding the grassmantis after all its the ant mantis

graham must of got his wires crossed or i sure he called it asian grass mantis..but iv looked and it cant be..mine looks just like ant i guees im not breeding the grassmantis after all its the ant mantis
Some people call them asian grass mantis, but the most common name is ant mantis. Common names can be quite confusing sometimes.

I just saved the males life

they where both out i was taking pics..The male flys over and jumps on the females abdomen..oh yer not her back..the underneath..and back to ther where head to toe.she nearly had him..i had to prize them apart..It wasnt pretty and i got its the 1st time iv been bit by a was like a small thorn in my finger.

by the camaras dates its been 11 days sinse thay last mated..shes laid 1 ooth so far..Yesterday i mated them for 2nd time in 11 days..If u look at how fat she is..shes been eating loads of flys.

oh the male is thick!i had to intervene or she would of killed him..any way that was few days ago.i tryed mating them 2 days ago but shes Nealy had him so i thought i would leave it another day or so..well after leaving them on twig he jumped on her and guess what..he done same thing he done 2 days ago.jumped on her belly upside down..can u believe this guy?lol.Hes got to be the worlds dumbest any way after 10 mins he worked out what was what..





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:lol: They will jump backwards sometimes, and it's probably to protect their head from the female.

Congrats on the second mating though!

Nice pic MJ, as usual :) and congrate on the mating.Is the white pebble-like stone at the bottom some rocks you used as substrate?
yer....its called perlite..and im only using it cause i haven't got vermiculite..need to go and buy some.this stuff drys out to fast.
