Pseudocreobotra ocellata breeding diary


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You should! They are very voracious feeders. :lol:

Also, this species doesn't seem to need any extra moisture. :blink: I don't spray the adults or the nymphs, and haven't had any mismoults. :blink: Maybe you shouldn't spray them, and see what happens MJ. Maybe the extra moisture causes the mantis to take longer to dry, so there is a higher chance for it to mess up.

You should! They are very voracious feeders. :lol: Also, this species doesn't seem to need any extra moisture. :blink: I don't spray the adults or the nymphs, and haven't had any mismoults. :blink: Maybe you shouldn't spray them, and see what happens MJ. Maybe the extra moisture causes the mantis to take longer to dry, so there is a higher chance for it to mess up.
well i havent had any probelms.a few miss moluts but i didnt have 80nympths..u cant exspect 80 to servive can u?. me only gettting 3 nympths from the 1st ooth which buged me..fingers crossed my next ooth hatch is a big one,

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id just like to say iv had 21 nympths in a mantis place cage..iv been dumping lots of frute flys in there every day..there all now L4 and guees how many i have left...21 :lol: ..soon as 1 gets eating im separating them..but untill then feeding 21 nymphs all in same cage is a hole lot easier

id just like to say iv had 21 nympths in a mantis place cage..iv been dumping lots of frute flys in there every day..there all now L4 and guees how many i have left...21 :lol: ..soon as 1 gets eating im separating them..but untill then feeding 21 nymphs all in same cage is a hole lot easier
ye, i know some1 who tried to keep 200 chinese nymphs alive in diffrent cups 200 cups, 200 nymphs, 200 fruteflies, 200minutes time :lol:

somthing isnt right?the 2nd ooth just hatched at day 46 and only had 1 nympth..lmao.. :lol: what a joke :lol:

so ooth number 1 hatched day 45 with 3 nympths..4 days later 1 died so im left with 2 nympths from ooth 1 and only 1 nympth from ooth 2..u can imagine im gutted and cant see where iv gone wrong?they have had pure flys with bee pollen..the ooth was in 70% humdiderty,temps 75f.i bought the pair as sub adults so im not to sure whats gone on..

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4th instar


here u see 1/2 tents i have..i have had 15 in 1 tent and 15 in another..they have been in there since L2..iv had no casualties yet..there all at 5th instar now..I have been dumping alot of fruit flys in there daily,,i guess this is what there's been no casualties or deaths...soon as i get 1 death il separate them.


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just shed to L5

Starting to get there colour now.

Click to enlarge pic

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ok tent 1 with 14 L5 nymphs i found 1 which had no im in the process of separating them all..cant have any more casualties i have have 28 left now..should be more than enough to breed with them.

Wow, 28 P.Ocellatas... Are you sure you need that many? I know it's safer and more professional to keep at least 8 of the same species but 28! Do you have 28 homes that you have seperated each of them in to?

Wow, 28 P.Ocellatas... Are you sure you need that many? I know it's safer and more professional to keep at least 8 of the same species but 28! Do you have 28 homes that you have seperated each of them in to?
i dont know which is male or female yet.u never know it wil be just my luck i have 2/3 males.. :lol: ..what il do is grow them all up to sub adult..i will then choose mayby 5-10 females and probably 5 sale the rest then for 10£ each ;) if no one buys them il kep them..i have plenty of room :D and plenty of net cages.Soon as it warms up i have a room 16m2 to move in to.needs a few shelfs putting up.iim hunting for more mantids :p Still waiting for jade to lay an ooth..its been 20 days sinse they mated..and shes been adult for about 6 or 7 weeks.Hope she lays soon..I had a giant died of old age with out laying a single ooth.

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i dont know which is male or female yet.u never know it wil be just my luck i have 2/3 males.. :lol: ..what il do is grow them all up to sub adult..i will then choose mayby 5-10 females and probably 5 sale the rest then for 10£ each ;) if no one buys them il kep them..i have plenty of room :D and plenty of net cages.Soon as it warms up i have a room 16m2 to move in to.needs a few shelfs putting up.iim hunting for more mantids :p
I might be interested in buying a sub-adult spiny flower. Will they be on your website?

I might be interested in buying a sub-adult spiny flower. Will they be on your website?
yer.and il mention it here and reptile forum.there L5/L6 growing fast..shoulnt be long now..

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Yay! These some of my favourites! (don't know why they aren't in my signature). I'll buy 1 or 2 from you MJ as soon as you put them up for sale. :)

P.S. Do I have to pay you by the method on the site or can I send you the money by Paypal?

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KK thanks, I prefer to pay that way. I'll be checking ur site and this forum daily to see when u are selling them. :)

P.S. What's ur paypal account?

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KK thanks, I prefer to pay that way. I'll be checking ur site and this forum daily to see when u are selling them. :) P.S. What's ur paypal account?
be at leaste 1 month im pm u my paypal acount later on.. :)
