Spiney flower mantis


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What beautiful colors! great pictures. Thanks for sharing

Thx all, i hope i can breed these, i have failed with so many phasmid species, and some mantids through ending up with all males or all females :x

Well breeding was all most out of the queshton with my lone pinkie, so then i got a sub adult pair of Randyardvark!

Heres a couple of the male




Actually cant remember if the last one was the female ah well, oh yeah and as some of you may of noticed, new camera 8)

The first one is a male for sur, the second one, I am not sur because it is difficult to see the abdomen on the picture. But I am sorry, I think that it is a male :(

I am not sur but...

Well im in a situration with these 2, first adult male yet no females :evil:

But more photos




Well dont think these are whlabergiis anymore, oh well, any way some pics of mine, hes been really grouchy latly, sheeding time me thinks :D



Lucky you, the one you just pictured is PW. ( I think) Did you read my topic on fdifference between #9's? Yen posted a great picture of the differences. Check the end of the abdomen, and if you see it isn't a very pointy triangle, then you are in luck. As you may notice,it is much spikier than PO. I know cause I have PO. (Picutred on right.) Try to get a picture of the back, and I can tell you for sure.

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But i got some other #9 mantids and they looked exactly the same except for the shield bit, on mine the spiky bits on the side are pointier and point outward and on the others its rounded off and tapers up a litte

If your male is bigger or the same size of a nickel, then it's PW. check to see the pointy end of the abdomen. Here are pics of oneofmy females. Notice the not really spiky spikes, and the pointed abdomen. (Yes, the male has a pointed abdomen too.) Try to get a picture of the back, and I can determinefor you.




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