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  1. Birdfly


    Might not mean any thing but i believe that thiamine is destroyed during the freezing process ?, garter and other water loving snakes have been recorded to have developed thiamine deficiencys from being fed frozen fish. Just a though :) dont know if it would even effect an insect ...
  2. Birdfly

    What do you say?

    Maybe its a sub species and therefore slightly different in its requirements :)
  3. Birdfly

    Popa sp

    Female Male
  4. Birdfly

    Rare occasion I have seen

    Nice shot, i've seen this too a couple of times, unfortunately most of the encounters were quite aggressive and some damage occured. My Idolomantis have done this a few times with some tibia damage :huh: :)
  5. Birdfly

    vermiculite good or bad?

    Regarding the naturalistic looking mantid enclosures, you could top what ever substrate you use off with dead leaves etc (dont know the best way to steralize them, as there might be a fire risk with the micro wave?) this would also have the benefit of extra humidity and cusioning any mantids...
  6. Birdfly

    Sexing Idolomantis diabolicum

    That should help :)
  7. Birdfly

    vermiculite good or bad?

    I'd used vermiculite for years with no problem but about 10 years ago i lost a few to being stranded on their backs, they must have been struggling to right themselves all night (as i seemed to find them in the morning) they were in a bad state and died later (from hours to days, i even found...
  8. Birdfly


    Just a thought but could its fore arms be bent from a bad molt ?
  9. Birdfly

    My giant indian hasnt eaten for over a week, help!!!

    Adult males dont eat any where near as much as females. As long as his abdomen if plumpish...not flat he should be alright. When you say locusts do you mean large or adult locusts? as he probably wont touch that size even if quite hungry, try smaller prey :)
  10. Birdfly


    Doh, i wanted to say that :lol:
  11. Birdfly


    Probably got a good look at it close up and was shuddering at the thought of eating it :D More than likely just part of the discarding Manoeuvre :)
  12. Birdfly

    questions about fly pupae

    I pupate mine in pint/s in the shed were its not to cold, just cool, i pupate them in pots of soil in the summer when its hot as they dont dessicate so easily like this. Then after about two weeks i move them into the greenhouse to hatch as my last hatched pint/s of "flies" will be running...
  13. Birdfly


    Is the mantids abdomen quite full, distended ? they quite often still capture a prey animal if full. Its like they are following through on all the stimuli with hunting behaviour, some times just chewing a few apendages off, Sampling it or they some times just throw it away immediately. This is...
  14. Birdfly

    ID help please?

    My guess would be Archimantis sp Id love to get hold of A monsterosa :rolleyes:
  15. Birdfly

    Food for my baby...

    Hi, they dont feed for a few days, let them settle down and spread out and they will soon start looking for food, just make sure you have enough as they will probably turn on one another. Aphids and fruit fly are just right for first instars. Just out of interest where do you live Australia? :)
  16. Birdfly

    Interesting Article

    True, but it might give us a bit of an idea as to the possibility of how they came about. Or just an instance of convergent evolution :)
  17. Birdfly

    Interesting Article

    That is very interesting. I'd like to see a side shot of it too :)
  18. Birdfly

    New mantids to hobby - dream mantid

    Parablepharis, forgot about that one. Most definately on my top wanted list, looks like its from another planet. Id still like to be succesful with Plistospilota guinnensis and try Macromantis hyalina.spelling. I'd like to try some of the Eremiaphilidae too, always found hot and dry...
  19. Birdfly

    Orchid adult female bitten

    Oh i am surprised at that, thats a first for me but like a narrator once said " nothings invulnerable in nature ". If a mantids not hunting and a wasp is... well i guess your well aware of the rest :( I hope shes alright :)
  20. Birdfly


    Thanks Etb, i know, but you try :rolleyes: and sorry Asa for going so far of topic. Back on topic: I believe these might be useful for you in helping find your perfect feeder roach: