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  1. Shfty

    Ooth hatched what !?

    the majority of them are feeding on drosos about 8 in total have died. I wanted to say thank you to everyone that helped out and gave me advice
  2. Shfty

    Ooth hatched what !?

    I separated them into groups of 25 nymphs and put them into 1ltr. containers with holes for ventilation on top. I dumped in some crickets misted them once and set the temp to 24c. Some of the nymphs are starting to try and catch the crickets but most of them seem to be frightened by them and are...
  3. Shfty

    Ooth hatched what !?

    would it be in their best interest to let them live together just in a bigger tub, dump in a container of crickets and do this until i have fewer since im up about 140 nymphs so far. and after a couple of weeks separate them ?
  4. Shfty

    Ooth hatched what !?

    thanks guys, i wanted to separate them now because i will eventually have to do it so what the heck. I think that tomorrow i will try and feed them. thanks to everyone that gave me advice :) its really appreciated by my nymphs and myself
  5. Shfty

    Ooth hatched what !?

    i would love too but here where i live it would take about 3 weeks for the culture to arrive. I am in the process of separating them and I misted them once. Most of the are now happily in their new cup and about five have died but not sure why. so far i have separated 47 nymphs and are...
  6. Shfty

    Ooth hatched what !?

    sure in the future i think i might sell some :)
  7. Shfty

    Ooth hatched what !?

    Hi everyone:), well my Hierodula unimaculata ooth hatched last night, It is my first ooth and im unsure of how to go about taking care of my nymphs. I had some things ready for when they hatched but i wanted to know if there is anything special i have to do for them. I have small deli cups to...
  8. Shfty

    Ooth Incubation

    Hola Ikeer no tienes que traducir, entiendo el español bien :P I checked the ooth this morning after i modified the container and the condensation was gone. All seems to be in order and i hope something hatches soon. Thanks to everyone for the tips. Ohhh and the species is Hierodula unimaculata
  9. Shfty

    Ooth Incubation

    hahaha ok thanks , tamales crudos no saben muy bien :)
  10. Shfty

    Ooth Incubation

    i have been wiping the excess water at night and in the morning i spray the sponge once
  11. Shfty

    Ooth Incubation

    its not that easy to see in the picture but there are about 15 holes in the lid
  12. Shfty

    Ooth Incubation

    Hello guys, I have a quick question, I was wondering if the amount of moister near my ooth can cause mold or any negative effects to my ooth. My ooth is incubating at a temp of 24-26c, it is in a 1ltr. container with a sponge at the bottom and some tamale skins for the nymphs to grab on to...
  13. Shfty

    Stagmomantis limbata mating

    i think you are right.
  14. Shfty

    Stagmomantis limbata mating

    i am in central mexico but they are found everywhere here, most people dont know them as mantis they are known here as " campamocha" and thought to be poisonous, from what i know they range all over mexico
  15. Shfty

    Stagmomantis limbata mating

    the color variation is based on humidity and habitat , here in Mexico the brown ones are usually found outside the city in dry areas and mostly feed on grasshoppers. The green ones are found in farms or near rivers mostly near trees
  16. Shfty

    Lets hear the music behind the username

    The Black Keys http://<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> The raconteurs Kings of leon
  17. Shfty

    Greetings from Mexico

    thanks guys been learning alot and wanting more species of mantids
  18. Shfty

    Greetings from Mexico

    thanks guys, meeting alot of you. great community you´ve got here :)
  19. Shfty

    Greetings from Mexico

    I grew up on sherman way near sutter middle school and the pic is of a Yersiniops i believe
  20. Shfty

    Greetings from Mexico

    thank you :)