Beginner setup, please evaluate :)


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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2017
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Just got this set up, awaiting arrival of my first. Praying Mantids, a pair of Miomantis Paykullii (hope they both make it) and I have this basic set up, and just want to make sure this will suffice. 

I have paper towel at the bottom, I have coir substrate arriving tomorrow, but in the even the Mantids arrive first, then they have a home set up. I sourced branches from a tree outside, cleaned them in hot water, then gave them about 20ish minutes in the oven to sanitize them. I cleaned the jars with a fresh sponge, little tiny bit of warning up liquid and thoroughly rinsed with hot water. 

For the lid, I have mesh arriving tomorrow, but drilled plenty of tiny ventilation holes, see picture. In case mesh arrives late, I did this to ensure it would at least do them in the meantime. When the mesh arrives I shall either drill large holes and line the entire underside with mesh, or remove the entire lid except the rim, and have it all be mesh, depending on what you guys recommend. Also, would minimal use of superglue suffice to fix the mesh to the lid?

I have 2 identical setups, in the event the spare nymph also makes it here safely. 

Please give me an honest critique, as I only want the best for these little guys. 

Everything looks good! They need something to molt in correctly so I recommend gluing mesh to the top of the enclosure. 

Dont get too nervous about their conditions as mantis are pretty hardy in my opinion.

Everything looks good! They need something to molt in correctly so I recommend gluing mesh to the top of the enclosure. 

Dont get too nervous about their conditions as mantis are pretty hardy in my opinion.
Thanks, my main concern is the ventilation holes being too tiny. I was thinking of keeping it at the angle in the photo, and gluing some mesh to the glass at the top, maybe down the middle of the jar. Either that or just placing it lid side facing straight up, with much wider holes with mesh glued like you said. 

Yeah putting the lid straight up might be a better idea. Your ventilation should be fine but bigger holes would be fine as well.

I'll put some slightly bigger holes in them, then when the mesh arrives I can put much bigger ventilation holes there. 

The first one was a bit of a write off, but I've rescued with bigger holes, the second one is a lot cleaner. Had to take some sandpaper to them to get the plastic stuff off, you know the scuff that happens, think it's melted plastic from the heat of the drill or something. Will this definitely be enough ventilation, if the mesh doesn't arrive tomorrow? When the mesh arrives I'll make holes the size of pennies to allow plenty of ventilation, but without the Mantids of its prey escaping. Just doesn't look like enough ventilation to me. Any ideas how to clean up the holes, or have I screwed it up?




The first one was a bit of a write off, but I've rescued with bigger holes, the second one is a lot cleaner. Had to take some sandpaper to them to get the plastic stuff off, you know the scuff that happens, think it's melted plastic from the heat of the drill or something. Will this definitely be enough ventilation, if the mesh doesn't arrive tomorrow? When the mesh arrives I'll make holes the size of pennies to allow plenty of ventilation, but without the Mantids of its prey escaping. Just doesn't look like enough ventilation to me. Any ideas how to clean up the holes, or have I screwed it up?

Unrelated, I read that parthenogenisis is common, does that mean I may a high chance of having eggsacs laid?

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Also, any ideas for decoration? Live plants, fake plants etc. Gonna look pretty bland with just coir at the bottom, and some twigs. Plus if it looks pretty the missus will be happier about them being on the mantle ?

Almost forgot to ask, when the little guys get here, what's the protocol? Place their container in their new home, open, let them come out in their own time? How long before they should be handled?

Hey Bdawd, welcome. I have two female Miomantis who have laid a couple ootheca(august), but they didn't hatch so far. Meanwhile some mated ones I just bought hatched already (in about a month)

The holes are big enough so don’t worry. Not sure about mios being parthenogenetic. 

As far as when they arrive you can handle them as soon as you want. They aren’t as fragile as you seem to think. You can put them in their enclosure or you can put their container in. Whatever works. But if they seem to small for the containers then I would recommend keeping them in whatever they were shipped in. As long as they weren’t shipped in something too small. Send some pictures and I can help.

The holes are big enough so don’t worry. Not sure about mios being parthenogenetic. 

As far as when they arrive you can handle them as soon as you want. They aren’t as fragile as you seem to think. You can put them in their enclosure or you can put their container in. Whatever works. But if they seem to small for the containers then I would recommend keeping them in whatever they were shipped in. As long as they weren’t shipped in something too small. Send some pictures and I can help.
I'll upload photos as soon as they arrive, should be before 1pm Saturday. 

Hey Bdawd, welcome. I have two female Miomantis who have laid a couple ootheca(august), but they didn't hatch so far. Meanwhile some mated ones I just bought hatched already (in about a month)
Have they passed the hatch time and rendered duds now? Can you keep the habitats within view of each other, or best to keep something between them as not to stress them?

Final inspection, just sprayed with some bottles water, with a little boiling water to warm it slightly so it's cosy for when they get in,  they're at my local depot and it's cold. Will the branches go moldy? They were cleaned then baked for about 20 minutes so should be sterile. 



The sticks sterile enough after being baked for less than 30 minutes? Should I sand the top layer off too? They were trimmed then cleaned by being sprayed with the hottest water from the shower then baked. 

Just realised how stupid that was, they live on branches. Sleep deprived, just ignore me ?

You’re good on the branches. I used to bake mine... now I just make sure there is nothing on them. Never had any troubles.


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