Well-known member
I have ordered from Peter before and have nothing but good to say( I actually even wrote a review about for one of assignment at school where we had to write a review of something.) I ordered I believe almost 25 darkling from Peter and 2 hissers( one G. portentosa nymph and one G. oblongonota nymph). I have been happy with those bugs except for a few of the darklings which died after I received them of some kind of weird thing were their antennas would brake in half and then they would die a couple days later. It was not Peters fault that they died but he still happily replaced them when I let him know of their deaths and even threw in 2 freebies. All of my now 15 darkling are living happily in their desert tank.
My now adult male( ordered as a sub-sub adult nymph) Gromphadorhina oblongonota has been my all time favorite pet since I got him back in August, and my Grompadorhina portentosa nymph that I received in January has since molted into what I believe is an adult male( He is a male, just not sure if he's adult yet). All in all I recommend him to anyone in search of great insects at a good price!