Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2


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Gunna youtube that one now, my mums off at the local supermarket now getting me a copy, i had to stay here though >.<

BTW i just thought of a benefit to no dedicated servers, you wont find anymore servers ruled by bratty power crazed kid admins :D

As I whine and pout, watching Morpheus play Modern Warfare 2, I have come to a realization that either American time zones suck, or those who are hours ahead are really lucky. I wish I still lived overseas :( . Only 6 more hours... sigh.

As I whine and pout, watching Morpheus play Modern Warfare 2, I have come to a realization that either American time zones suck, or those who are hours ahead are really lucky. I wish I still lived overseas :( . Only 6 more hours... sigh.
Sometimes living here can be an advantage, though. I have friends in Australia, where it is Tuesday afternoon right now. This means that when it is Sunday there, it is still Saturday here, so they get the NFL scores a day earlier and can send them to me late on Saturday evening. Then I can place my bets and make a fortune. Yay!

...Heh, NFL? Phil, it's all about Australian Rules mate.

Anyway, it's alright, I'll be getting it tomorrow, and will be ditching Calculus to go play! Yay! And then go to a doctor's appointment... how fun. Perhaps I can convince "it" (who really knows what a doctor is :blink: ) to hurry up, so I can play Modern Warfare 2.

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ugh, sadly I couldn't get it at the midnight release so at this point I've got to wait another hour before I can pickup mine... :angry:

I have it, multiplayer is alot different. Sooo many campers. My K/D is at .68 -.-

Hopefully when I learn the maps I can bump that above 1. Graphics are amazing.

I have it, multiplayer is alot different. Sooo many campers. My K/D is at .68 -.- Hopefully when I learn the maps I can bump that above 1. Graphics are amazing.
I havent run into any yet.... :huh:

Overall Worth every penny IMO. I haven't played the campaign yet, but the MP is incredible. Somehow they were able to top COD4 which was unmatched.

TBH I would pay $60 just for the MP! And thats coming from someone who has never in his life paid full price for a game (until now).....

my KD is at almost 2.... and the only two guns Ive used after I had the opportunity to use create a class is the M200 intervention and the Kriss.

I love the new acog btw! Finally usable!

The silence on the M200 is ridiculous, lol a .22 with a silencer is louder :lol:

Heh, yeah I'm up to 1.5 now :) , I think the blood on the screen is so annoying -.-

Definitely worth every penny just 4 multiplayer.

Im not sure if i like it, the respawns are just completely spasticated, i respawned in front of some shotgun guy point blank 7 times in a row last night, not to mention countless otehrs. Plus the private chat ban is just pointless, plus it makes you look like an a hole in front of your friends.

I had to stop for the day, and catch up on some HW but out of curiosity what level are you? Your favorite weapon?
Im 16 or 17 (it's been sooo long, it was 8 hours ago -.-), I'm not sure what my favorite weapon is, primarily because last night I started to suck again. After getting up to 1.5 I dropped down to .89 -.-, Kirachi makes me angry w/ the rooftops.

Anyway, I'd probably say for assault rifles it's FAMAS or SCAR, Vector for smg, and the first bolt action sniper rifle.

Morpheus, the spawn do suck... Campaign so far is very strange as well...

Just made my mind up i despise the game so far and wish infinity ward an excruciating death :D

Im not sure if i like it, the respawns are just completely spasticated, i respawned in front of some shotgun guy point blank 7 times in a row last night, not to mention countless otehrs. Plus the private chat ban is just pointless, plus it makes you look like an a hole in front of your friends.
Yeah that can happen once in a while (only once for me and im level 29). I agree, regulating private chat is the stupidest thing they could have done.... so now I invite my friends to play and just mute everyone on the team but them. Instant private chat ;) :lol:

Im 16 or 17 (it's been sooo long, it was 8 hours ago -.-), I'm not sure what my favorite weapon is, primarily because last night I started to suck again. After getting up to 1.5 I dropped down to .89 -.-, Kirachi makes me angry w/ the rooftops. Anyway, I'd probably say for assault rifles it's FAMAS or SCAR, Vector for smg, and the first bolt action sniper rifle.

Morpheus, the spawn do suck... Campaign so far is very strange as well...
see above.

Oh I know, I started trying my new guns and my KD dropped from 2.XX to 1.56ish <_<

My favorite setup is my blue tigered M200 + either heartbeat sensor or silencer + FMJ (with bling perk). Im not a big fan of the thermal scope.

I also love my FAMAS with urban camo and eotech sight.

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I have stabilized at a 1.2 K/D, and every TDM match I get a positive ratio, hopefully it will rise slowly :) . What level are you now? I'm 30. I love the TAR with heartbeat sensor and silencer. There is no recoil :D


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