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LOL, was debating whether to put this one on here, but what the hey, we're all friends, right?


Here's the story: I didn't imbibe any alcohol on the night of New Year's Eve...we had no friends over, were pretty tired after caring for animals all day, etc. So just didn't get a chance to "celebrate". A couple of nights later (can't remember if it was the 2nd or 3rd), I decided I'm at LEAST going to have a glass of wine with dinner. Now, I had been having a hive attack for MONTHS (since Sept) up to this point, and I KNEW I was allergic to red wine, BUT, before it had only ever made me sneeze, etc. (Hayfever reaction.) Well, several minutes after I'd drank a touch of wine, I noticed my lip was starting to go tingly, and I thought, "Great, another stinking hive popping up!" I continued to sip my wine (which, I had actually made into a "spritzer" with some Sprite, so there was only about a shot to a shot & a half of wine in the glass.) And the other side of my lip started going tingly, too. Finally, I just downed the last little bit of wine & didn't think much of it, but mentioned to Steve that I was getting hives on my lips. We went to bed that night & around 3:30 am, I woke up to go to the bathroom & as I passed the mirror, I glanced to see how bad my lip was, and my whole FACE was puffed up! My right eye was completely swollen shut and my mouth looked like "Vincent" (Ron Perlman's character) from the old TV series, Beauty and the Beast! I laid back down & tried not to think about it, but my throat was hurting & as I laid there, I noticed that I couldn't breathe very well...it was like some flap of skin or something was getting in the way almost. I decided that it's better not to take chances & woke hubby up to tell him, weakly, that I thought maybe I should go to the hospital. He looked over at me in his sleep-daze & about shot out of bed like a bolt of lightning hit him..."Alright, let's go!" Never seen that man move so fast! :p

ANYWHO...best we can figure is that, since I was already having the hive attack, the body decided to react the same way to the added allergen of red wine. An IV dosage of steroids & Benadryl later and a full week of Prednisone, it all subsided...even the hives! So far, I have only had one or two here & there, but I am still taking the meds 2x a day to make sure that they don't come out in full again (before the "red wine" incident, I was taking H1 blockers every four hours & H2 blockers every 12 hrs.)

On the bright side, as hubby pointed out, "Hey, now you have a new party trick!"

"Wanna see something cool...give me a glass of red wine!" :p

P.S. This picture was actually taken about 6 hrs after getting out of the hospital. (And going home & crashing because Benadryl knocks me out!) My eye was still puffy a few days afterwards.

And just for entertainment, here's a pic of our new girl, Jess:


She's a super-dwarf reticulated python. She will never get over 5-6' long! (Normal retics get around 15-18' long.) We plan to get a mate for her sometime this year & hopefully have babies in a few years. She's got a great personality...very "puppy dog". ;)

I know, huh? Now, honestly, I WOULD'VE been smiling, except that I knew that would stretch out the puffiness and it wouldn't be as noticeable, so I did my best NOT to smile. :p Even when the proverbial feces hits the fan, I am usually smiling. :D (If I'd really felt like being silly, I could've put on makeup before taking the pic!)

I really thought I looked rather like Quasimodo. Just need a hump!

Figured id post up the whole family lol


Im in the middle, My wife Carol is the only girl in the pic, Jake (all4bspinnin)-top right, Bryce (xxFaultxx)-Next to my ear.

This is me and my now 19 month old son Kingston.


This is me and my 3 year old son Link


This is my pup Napoleon (Hes the one tan one.) The other dog belonged to jake.


This is my maine coon Ganon.


Ive been looking at this topic and everyones pics for months, so i decided to add my own. Enjoy!


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