Look Ma, no hands


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One of my dead-leaf mantises has a problem with their arms for some reason, neither of them can be used, so I have to basically feed her like you do with Little Heat.

Hopefully a few molts will fix her arms, she is third instar.

I think this is the marbled mantis, and she is missing an arm, I call her little sweetie, she is doing good, she can hold a bb if I give it to her, they sure do love laying around on the aquarium top, when she is done eating, she lays her little head down and sleeps! :lol: I lov her :wacko: :wub:

Oh poopie, I forgot to add photo! :tt2: <BR><BR>

I'm beginning to think your mantises are just chewing their own claws off so they can be pampered by you. :tt2:

Little heat is laying an ooth, I feel so bad for her, and I think I am a bit depressed, cause I just want to cry when I Look at her. Yesterday she really wasn't interested in eating, just wanted to wander away, and I have been putting her in her house, cause at night, she roams around and knocks the other girls containers on the floor! bad girl!



Nurturing injured creatures can be rewarding! I remember when I was up in the caribou and I found a dragonfly who was flightless. I fed him grass and veggies for a week and somehow he managed to fly after.

I know your mantis is to far gone but he should have every right to live out his life and be happy as possible.

What a trooper!

I couldn't freeze her now. no worry. she has been with a male, but don't know if mated.

When I cked on her, she was done with ooth, I gave her some water and she drank and drank, then I gave her some dinner and she was hungry. She is funny, lately she has been butting me with her head!

Well about 3 weeks ago, she became lethargic and it was time for her to go, she did not move much and I sent her to the n. pole, it was hard, but had to be done. :( she is my wallpaper so I get to see her everyday, never be another with her personallity that's for sure!


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