Rant - About the US Postal System


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Nice! That's great news! Now we'll be sure that your nymphs will arrive to your door. ;) Oh, by the way, another molted last night while I was sleeping! Two down, three to go!

Too funny!
That postal worker actually did get out of the truck and started waving his arms and shaking his fist, I will definitely never forget that incident. :lol: I do wonder if something else happened to him that day that could have contributed to his anger, but still, it was unacceptable behavior for a professional.

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Well, I was checking my voicemail last night (for some odd reason I had *8* new ones! Darn kids stealing the phone for personal use!)...and I had a voicemail from the Claremore Postmaster! :eek:

Basically, he apologized profusely and said that "that sort of conduct is not tolerated by them" and that if I had ANY further issues with this carrier (or wished to discuss the matter any further), that I should give him a call & left his number. The guy sounded ancient in the voicemail, so I'm guessing/hoping he's got some good old-fashioned sensibility & morality. That will play in my favor if the carrier does act up again. ;) I had wondered, the other day, when she got out of her postal "truck" & hand-delivered my box, what was going on & was betting that she got a chewing over the whole thing! :D

Now, it could just be that the postmaster already has a "beef" with this particular carrier, but, hey, it can't hurt to try complaining! :p
So, my "edit" says "removed profanity" & hisseman's (which used the same word) says "removed REFERENCE to profanity"? Huh...

BTW, Peter, you missed one! (likebug's quote of what hisseman said!) :D

Sorry about that! I'll be a good girl next time! :angel:

Not only is there POOR service with delivering the packages the service when one goes to the post office to deliver a package is TERRIBLE! I waited in line for 1.5 HOURS to send out a box the other day. How many people were in line? FOUR! This includes myself. 2 tellers 4 people this should have taken about 20 minutes tops. But no the tellers were slow and not very friendly.

Some entertainment did come from the trip however there was a guy haggeling the price of a U.S. postage stamp, What a moron! Their 44 CENTS it says so right on them these are government documents he might as well have tried to contest the value of a dollar bill. And one lady misspelled Calcutta and the teller told her it wouldn't go to the right place if she spelled it that way and she FOUGHT THE LADY AT THE COUNTER. She said "the internet told her to spell it differently" Now I assume that it was going to Calcutta, Ohio, or some other Calcutta inside of the United States so i googled Calcutta and sure enough what came up was nowhere close to that (She must have used the city in India spelled "Kolkata"). So I got to see how stupid some people are always entertaining:)

Not only is there POOR service with delivering the packages the service when one goes to the post office to deliver a package is TERRIBLE! I waited in line for 1.5 HOURS to send out a box the other day. How many people were in line? FOUR! This includes myself. 2 tellers 4 people this should have taken about 20 minutes tops. But no the tellers were slow and not very friendly.

Some entertainment did come from the trip however there was a guy haggeling the price of a U.S. postage stamp, What a moron! Their 44 CENTS it says so right on them these are government documents he might as well have tried to contest the value of a dollar bill. And one lady misspelled Calcutta and the teller told her it wouldn't go to the right place if she spelled it that way and she FOUGHT THE LADY AT THE COUNTER. She said "the internet told her to spell it differently" Now I assume that it was going to Calcutta, Ohio, or some other Calcutta inside of the United States so i googled Calcutta and sure enough what came up was nowhere close to that (She must have used the city in India spelled "Kolkata"). So I got to see how stupid some people are always entertaining:)
Our PO people are the same way! You'd think they were chained up in a closet all day & beaten just before their shift, the way they act! That's why I do the "click n ship" thing now...so I don't have to stand in line all day! (Ours will often take a good 15 minutes per person too!)

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LOL...the first time I did the "click n ship" thing. (The PO "beast" said I could just leave them at the end of the counter if they were pre-paid.) I came back out to the van & my 15-year-old daughter said, "Wow! That was fast!"

Without missing a beat, I said, "Yeah, I just dropped the box, yelled 'B0MB!' & ran out." We all cracked up. :p

(FYI: I did NOT actually DO/SAY that, nor would I condone it! It was just a joke!)

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LOL...the first time I did the "click n ship" thing. (The PO "beast" said I could just leave them at the end of the counter if they were pre-paid.) I came back out to the van & my 15-year-old daughter said, "Wow! That was fast!"Without missing a beat, I said, "Yeah, I just dropped the box, yelled 'BOMB!' & ran out." We all cracked up. :p (FYI: I did NOT actually DO/SAY that, nor would I condone it! It was just a joke!)
You hear a knock on the door, and BAM the FBI break into your house and take one look at your hundreds of plastic jars of mantids staring at them. :blink: :blink: :blink:

I've not contributed to this thread, because it doesn't reflect my experience, but I guess that i should say that I send a lot of packages abroad and receive them through my P.O. box # which usually means that I have to pick them up at the desk. Our P.O. covers three postal zones, 85364-85366 and, without an increase in manpower, spends six months of the year catering to snowbirds ("winter visitors"). I know them all by name (the clerks, not the snowbirds) and always get cheerful and kindly service. Often, they go beyond the call of duty, as when a forum member sent me a very wet plant whose packing exploded. They kept it in a bucket and talked reassuringly to it until I arrived. On another occasion, a member who had sent a package to my PO number in the past, did so again without realizing that I had changed the number. A clerk wrote out a bunch of labels so that the package would be placed in the right box, and i received it without a hitch.

Of course, though, Yumans* are well known to be a friendly and helpful bunch.

*No, that's not a tricky Phil word, Rebecca. Folks from Arizona are called Arizonans and folks from Yuma are called Yumans. G_d know what they call folks from Gila Bend.

That postal worker actually did get out of the truck and started waving his arms and shaking his fist, I will definitely never forget that incident. :lol: I do wonder if something else happened to him that day that could have contributed to his anger, but still, it was unacceptable behavior for a professional.

The post office of where I live is generally friendly. There used to be an issue with the delivery lady leaving the door to our mail box open, but that hasn't been the case since we got a new mailbox (The old one had trouble shutting the door, what did that in was a slippery icy road one morning and someone who happened to lose control, but they were honest and brought the remains of our old box to our door and even got us a new mailbox. Rural life is great).

When expecting a package, I always ask for a tracking number. Generally USPS is good with updating the tracking information. I also usually request that they not bring it to the door, so instead I go pick it up, because I definitely don't want a box of baby mantises sitting out in the hot sun or out in a cold winter day. I am also at the end of the route, so the mail isn't delivered until 3:30, so when I call ahead and ask to hold it there and wait until I pick it up, the mantises are in the warm house by noon (depending on how early I get up, :p )

The zombies sent my mantids from Ohio to Colorado to Jacksonville, FL since this was priority and they will have been sitting in a box for 5 days instead of 3 it probly wont be good. I got a priority package yesterday that Rebecca sent a day later than the other package with the mantids.

Last time they sent a package to a totally different residence and a priority package ended up taking a week.

Are these people on crack? Did they not take geography in elementary school? I mean that is there "specialty" knowing where to send a package.

I know the postal system handles millions of packages a day and it is inevitable something will go wrong. I just feel like complaining. I hope my mantids will be ok.

The zombies sent my mantids from Ohio to Colorado to Jacksonville, FL since this was priority and they will have been sitting in a box for 5 days instead of 3 it probly wont be good. I got a priority package yesterday that Rebecca sent a day later than the other package with the mantids.

Last time they sent a package to a totally different residence and a priority package ended up taking a week.

Are these people on crack? Did they not take geography in elementary school? I mean that is there "specialty" knowing where to send a package.

I know the postal system handles millions of packages a day and it is inevitable something will go wrong. I just feel like complaining. I hope my mantids will be ok.
Uh, bad memories are back. Dude, that sucks.

Anywho, my new mail person is awesome! He's even held some inverts and reptiles plus he's a really nice guy. I don't know what happened to the old one but I don't care!

They have a customer service line, maybe you can try that. 1-800-275-8777. If you are not satisfied try shipping with UPS or Fed Ex. Or you can lead a trail of sealed envolopes to a dark alley and *WHAM!!!* baseball bat to the knees. I know a guy... ha ha.

They have a customer service line, maybe you can try that. 1-800-275-8777. If you are not satisfied try shipping with UPS or Fed Ex. Or you can lead a trail of sealed envolopes to a dark alley and *WHAM!!!* baseball bat to the knees. I know a guy... ha ha.


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