Rhombo' and 'Chaeta logs


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alright, here comes my Rhombo

Excellent photo! :)

I've been watching my Rhombodera really closely for the last couple days because she kept holding out her arms like she was gonna molt. I just looked up and caught her in the act.


Thanks again Bobericc, this was an awesome x-mas gift!

Couple more pictures of my turquoise eyed chaeta, very easy to spot this one

Her eyes are very bluish green..



Ok My 3rd Rhombo girl mated last night :) The same male mated all 3 girls. I can't get my other two males to mate. They all became adult the same week. They were all kept in the same conditions.. It is so strange. Sorry for the screen shot, literally...

All my male chaetas have stopped hunting and stalking, I am down to1 L7 female and 1 L7 male that does not like hand feeding, he has moved from the top of the enclosure to the side. I feed him mealworm goo and cricket goo and hydrate. It looks like he'll be down for the count soon. The female is growing and has the protrusions on the back, she readily takes food from the forceps and hunts.

Nice pics guys! My biggest rhombodera molted to L6 yesterday. Can't wait to see them grow up. Out of the six I have, five are males and one is female, so I guess with all the males I have, there's got to be at least one that is not clueless about mating!
