Thanks Martin.Congrats.
Don't cut another one Paul, just wait for another month. i 'ver been waiting since Octoberboth of mine I got from yen a while back did not hatch either but did cut a small piece off one to look and it was still developing so I am hoping they will hatch eventually!
That's awesome Yen! Congrats again!One of the always incubated ooth (never kept outdoor) hatched 9 nymphs yesterday, and few more today. So looks like this species does hatch without cooling period, but may take a longer period to complete hatching. The ootheca went through cooling period appear to have a better hatching rate on the first 'burst', but continue to hatch about 5-6 nymphs every 1-2 days.
Thanks Shaik. But i would rather have the 'burst' type hatching like the tropical species ha ha. With this species i never know when should i toss the ooth away :huh:That's awesome Yen! Congrats again!
Good news. Was not aware you had any.THEY HATCHED!!!!!!! I have been keeping both of my ooths indoors and spraying them daily with distilled water. One is hatching! 5 minutes ago I noticed they were jumping around in the cup! There are 20 of them so far. Sure are soke good looking nymphs! Very excited them!
I've got mine warmer than that...67-68 or so at night and 75 to 80 (now) during the day. I have been misting daily, but I'd say on the light side.kamakiri, indoor about 64 degrees at night about 75 during the day - misted 1x day (pretty good soaking) - at first i kept one outside for about a week but it was just getting too cold and i did not want to kill it so i just kept them both indoors.
That's pretty good hatching rate Roland! How many days does it take?Couple of days ago there is finally the first 'bursting' type hatching from one of the oothecae brought back from cooling period since 12/19/09. It was under 60F (day)/45F (night) for 3 months. About close to 80 nymphs hatched out in less than 1 hour.They have been hatching like crazy - now I have about 60 of them! The two day olds don't really seem into eating just yet though. I sprayed the ooth and abraded the zipper a bit - that seemed to make them come out more.