That could be it Rick. It might be the odd case. I will wait for the hatching pattern on the rest of the oothecae that went through prolong cooling period (3-4 months) to confirm this.Yen it looks like a cold period may be a good idea on these.
That could be it Rick. It might be the odd case. I will wait for the hatching pattern on the rest of the oothecae that went through prolong cooling period (3-4 months) to confirm this.Yen it looks like a cold period may be a good idea on these.
Seems you got a larger hatchout then I did but then again my ooth was small. First molt to L5 today.of mine, 60 hatched 43 one day - then 17 two days later. No cooling period for them.
Yeah the first day hatchlings have only eaten a half fly each until today where they appear to be eating a full melano each right now.Over the past couple of days 10 more appear to have hatched out = c.70 for the one hatched ooth! They don't seem super interested in eating though - i have seen them eat but definitely nothing like the gluttonous limbatas so far.
Rick, if you have any pics of them i would love to see how they look as larger nymphsMine are taking bluebottle flies now.
I should be able to take some for you today.Rick, if you have any pics of them i would love to see how they look as larger nymphsMy second ooth started hatching today - already 5 have emerged!
I never noticed it before but I just went and looked at them.Thanks for the pic Rick. The black mark on the front leg is quite visible at this stage.
Most of mine are that color. I do have a couple that are all green.Thanks for the pic. Are everyone's the same color so far? All of my L1s look like Rick's in post #19.2 more hatched on day 4 for me.